MDP’s industry-focused investment approach has been in place for nearly 40 years. The firm has four dedicated industry verticals: Basic Industries; Financial & Transaction Services; Healthcare; and Technology & Government.
Today, Madison Dearborn is investing its eighth fund, Madison Dearborn Capital Partners VIII, which has $5.0 billion in aggregate capital commitments. Our investor base is composed of limited partners from across the globe, including endowments, foundations, family offices, pension funds and sovereign wealth funds.
We have built a long and successful track record investing within four industry sectors across multiple economic, capital markets and industry cycles. Our industry team leaders have substantially spent their entire careers dedicated to a single industry, and have significant experience investing and operating in specific industry sectors.
We are deeply involved in the Chicago and Midwest business, civic and philanthropic communities, and our firm benefits from a strong reputation and unique set of contacts and relationships cultivated during the last four decades.
We have achieved long-term success pursuing both buyout and growth equity transactions. We employ an investment style that focuses primarily on the quality of the business, its prospects and its leadership, and only secondarily on the type of investment structure, which can include both control and minority positions.